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RHA - Overview

The Rogers Honors Academy (RHA) is a free program for students in the Rogers School District designed to help academically motivated students find their passion, explore their career possibilities, and determine the best colleges to meet their needs. It is part of the Advanced Programs and is an extension of the Rogers Gifted and Talented (REACH) program, though participation is open to ALL students willing to accept the challenge of a rigorous high school experience with AP and/or concurrent classes. 

We have college advisors and a presence on all three high school campuses - Rogers High, Heritage High, and Rogers New Tech High School. 

The academy helps students prepare for the ACT/SAT, college visits, and coaches students through the college application process. We do one-on-one tutoring, scholarship and essay writing, and more! One of the great aspects of RHA is the opportunity for students to sign up for a FREE college tour with like-minded peers traveling the country to see some of the top colleges and universities in the country (hotels, meals, and travel all included!) This is made possible by a joint venture grant between the Rogers School District and the Walton Family Foundation (WFF) as well as local businesses and community partnerships who believe in investing in the BEST and BRIGHTEST Rogers has to offer! 

Starting in middle school, we invite several seventh (7th) and eighth (8th) graders to take the Pre-ACT to get a predictive ACT score and practice that helps students begin the navigation process for high school coursework. Our ninth (9th) and tenth (10th) graders take the PSAT to mirror another nationally accepted college assessment as well as begin the process for National Merit Finalists. 

Starting the second semester of their sophomore (10th) year, students are welcomed and/or invited to officially join the Rogers Honors Academy for their junior (11th) and senior (12th) years in high school.

Benefits of the Rogers Honors Academy

RHA offers personal college guidance -- We help you find your strengths, explore possible majors, and identify the best fit colleges for you. Members will receive:

  • Guidance on your academic course selection
  • Free AP tutoring
  • Help with ACT and SAT test preparation
  • Free ACT tutoring
  • Assistance with extracurricular choices
  • Opportunities for free college trips
  • Assistance with college essays
  • Free college applications
  • Mock interviews for college admissions
  • One-on-one meetings with college advisors
  • Help with financial aid packages

Graduation Recognition

Students who successfully complete all the requirements of an RHA scholar will graduate with a 2" medallion to wear at their senior graduation ceremony. Students who are RHA scholars but DO NOT complete all the requirements will be given an RHA pin to wear with their cap and gown.